Master Gardeners announce annual Spring Plant Sale
The Milam County Master Gardener Plant Sale is just around the corner, offering local gardening enthusiasts an excellent opportunity to stock up on plants for the spring season.
The Milam County Master Gardener Plant Sale is just around the corner, offering local gardening enthusiasts an excellent opportunity to stock up on plants for the spring season.
The Cameron Chamber of Commerce would like to invite the Cameron community to a celebration commemorating their 91st Anniversary, dedicated to supporting local businesses since 1934.
Milam County is now under a burn ban. No burning is allowed in unincorporated areas of Milam County.
Milam County Judge Bill Whitmire put the burn ban in place on Sunday, Feb. 2.
The City of Cameron called for a May election during a meeting on Jan. 21.
Wards 1, 3, and 5 at At Large will be on the ballot on May 3.
Central Texas Qwik Lube is open for business!
The Cameron Herald
P.O. Box 1230
Cameron, Texas 76520
Phone: 254-697-6671