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Old Town Cameron ready to reopen on Nov. 18

After many months of planning, designing, instruction, construction, and hundreds of hours of work by volunteers, the iconic “Old Town Cameron” is ready to officially open to the public.

For over two and a half years, Museum Director Jamie Larson and a team of energetic and talented volunteers have been working to preserve the work of John and Frances Johnson’s “Old Town Cameron” model.  

Because of former County Judge Steve Young, current County Judge Bill Whitmire, our County Commissioners, as well as building contractor Billy Vance, “Old Town Cameron” now has a beautiful and functional permanent home in downtown Cameron.  It has already become one of revitalized downtown Cameron’s important tourist venues. The new museum hosted over 200 visitors during its soft opening during the recent Steak, Stein, and Wine event.  Many local and out of town visitors dropped in to watch as we were getting ready for the event.

The official grand opening of the new Milam County Railroad Museum, and “Old Town Cameron” will be held Nov. 18 at 1 P.M. at 110 West First Street on the square in Cameron.  

The Johnson family will join the celebration of the ribbon cutting and dedication of the “John and Frances Johnson Memorial Classroom.”  Everyone is invited to come by and see the new museum.

The Railroad Museum will continue to open their doors from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday through the end of this year.  Special events have been planned along with Cameron’s Christmas events.  Beginning in January, museum hours will be Wednesday thru Saturday 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.  

The museum will feature model railroading classes for all ages and restarting the Junior Engineer Club.  They will be partnering with the Hearne Depot and Rockdale I&GN Depot with speakers, events and displays.  The Railroad Museum will be creating a Board of Directors and “Friends of Old Town Cameron.”  Businesses will again be able to support the museum on the “Business Box Car Train.”  There are also plans for activities and events with the Milam County Historic Museum.

John and Frances Johnson created a one-of-a-kind snapshot of a time and place in our county.  Their vision of 1940’s Cameron is a piece of art, history, and memories. They created a teaching tool for everyone to enjoy.  

The museum wishes to thank Billy Vance and his sub-contractors, volunteers, Tammy Phuong, Robyn Kinsley, Shane Collins, Dan Fischer, Chris DeHaven, Susan Larson, Terry Walker, Birdie Smith, the Milam County Historic Museum Board and Staff, as well as many others that provided food, behind the scenes help, support and shared advice and skills. The newest edition of “Old Town Cameron” would not have been made possible without their help.

The Cameron Herald

The Cameron Herald
P.O. Box 1230
Cameron, Texas 76520

Phone: 254-697-6671
Fax: 254-697-4902