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Election Day is March 5 for primaries

Early voting numbers have been brisk in Milam County. A total of 1,475 voters cast their ballots during early voting for the March 5 primary election since Feb. 20.

A total of 1,365 Republican voters and 110 Democratic voters cast their ballots as of Tuesday.

Early voting will continue today and tomorrow from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Cameron and Rockdale and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at all other locations.

Early voting locations in Milam County are: Milam County Clerk’s Office, Rockdale George Hill Patterson Community Center, Buckholts Community Center, and Thorndale Veterans Memorial Hall. 

Election Day is Tuesday, March 5, at the following locations from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.: Family Life Center, 112 N. Travis in Cameron; Cameron Houston Authority, 704 W. 6th Street in Cameron; Buckholts Community Center, 110 W. Main Street in Buckholts; Thorndale VFW, 302 Moerbe Street in Thorndale; Rockdale George Hill Patterson Center, 609 Mill Street in Rockdale, Milano VFD, 305 E. Main Street in Milano; and Gause VFD, 102 Main Street in Gause.

The most contested race already is for Precinct 2 Constable, a post which has been held by Charlie West for three terms. West elected to not seek re-election. 

Seeking that post will be Amanda Duncan, Carlton Scott, Candice Staton, and Richard “Doug” Veach. 

Another important post that will be hotly contested is for Tax Assessor/Collector, where incumbent Sherry Mueck decided to not seek another term in office. 

Seeking her post are Melissa Fritz, Frank Summers, and Stephanie Charanza.

A contested race is also set up in the Precinct 1 Constable spot where incumbent Oscar Lopez will face off against Zack Burks. 

The District Attorney spot will also be on the ballot and appears to be an interesting race between current Cameron Police Chief Lonnie Gosch and First Assistant District Attorney Brian Price. 

Incumbents seeking re-election and that are unopposed are Precinct 1 Commissioner Henry Hubnik, Precinct 3 Commissioner Art Neal, Precinct 3 Constable Jay Beathard, Precinct 4 Constable Kirby Shoemake, Sheriff Mike Clore, and District Judge John Youngblood.

The Cameron Herald

The Cameron Herald
P.O. Box 1230
Cameron, Texas 76520

Phone: 254-697-6671
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