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Commissioners formally accept HOP contract

Milam County Commissioners voted 3-2 to formally accept the contract to continue the HOP transportation service during a meeting on Monday. 

Last month, Commissioners also voted 3-2 to contribute $75,000 toward funding the Hop service through 2024. In both votes, County Judge Bill Whitmire and Commissioners Henry Hubnik and James Denman were in favor with Commissioners Art Neal and Wesley Payne voting against. 

Payne and Neal have both reiterated they were not against the HOP in voting no, only that they disagreed with the county funding the entire amount. The Court had previously asked the Cities of Rockdale and Cameron and the school districts of Rockdale and Cameron to share responsibility for funding the service, though all four declined to participate. 

Earlier this month, Commissioners accepted a $60,000 donation from solar farm company SB Energy to help fund the service, which covered the amount the county had sought from Cameron, Rockdale, Cameron ISD, and Rockdale ISD. 

The HOP started in 1960 as a volunteer transit service that serves Milam County as part of a nine-county service area. The HOP Board asked each of the nine counties they cover to provide funds after they had learned that grant money to cover their operations was ending. Commissioners learned that nearly 40 percent of all HOP use comes from Milam County, with the breakdown showing usage in the Cities of Cameron and Rockdale and the Cameron and Rockdale school districts making up the vast majority of that. By voting to provide the funding, HOP services will not end for Milam County users. However, there will be changes to their operations here. There will be two less drivers moving forward, fewer hours, and consolidating rides to minimize the number of trips made. 

In other business, the Court approved a financing request from the Milam County Sheriff`s Office for software systems as well the issuance of Tax Notes. The Milam County Historical Commission was presented the Distinguished Service Award and all easements and variances were approved. 

The Cameron Herald

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