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JUDGE: Merry Christmas Milam County

Tis the season when candy and sweets continually ambush this low-carb champion, Christmas Carols permeate the airwaves, and a joint Amazon subscription with your spouse can become a minefield of premature gift awareness. It’s that time of year when everyone is scampering and scrounging for those last-minute gifts, and we are constantly giving the side-eye to all of those who obnoxiously declare “I finished all my Christmas shopping weeks ago.”

You know who you are!!!

The Nurse and I have been blessed with eight children, four in-laws, and two grandchildren not to mention our many friends and family, so there are a lot of things to get, and we never know when the kids will show up, but we relish it all. 

From Thanksgiving to New Years, the schedule is fluid to say the least. Back in the day, there was a time when this “Military Man” would make sure the holidays ran like a fine Swiss timepiece, but I have greatly mellowed since then. The holidays can be hectic if not chaotic, but this time of the year is most definitely to be enjoyed, savored, and held close to our hearts. 

Regardless of your personal beliefs, the origins of Christmas are based around the birth of Jesus Christ and are meant for us to share our blessings and the Good News of the Christ’s birth. Now I am a Christian and while I know there are those out there who are not, the fact is that the Christmas season is, as they say, a time for good will towards all mankind. So, whatever religion you believe in, we should all agree that we can better share that goodwill.

While we have lots to be thankful for, and we are surely blessed, we always need to remember what this season is about and how important it is that we share our good fortune and our blessings with those less fortunate or in need. Whether those needs be physical, emotional, or financial, it’s important that we all help each other and celebrate the true meaning of the Christmas season rather than purely fall into the secular and commercial trappings. 

Christmas can be a hard time for many, so while you celebrate with your loved ones, bear in mind those around us who need help, are less fortunate, or are in need. It’s easy for many folks to become overwhelmed by their daily lives, their desires, or their need to “keep up with the Joneses.” Each of us can make a difference in someone else’s life and during the Christmas season we should all try. 

So, as I have asked this holiday season, while you’re getting ready for Christmas, take a second and help someone out. Grab an extra gift for the Brown Santa program. Buy an extra can of food for the food pantry. Drop off some warm clothing to the thrift store. Most of us can’t donate a great deal, but if we all do a little bit what a tremendous difference we can make.

Now it’s time for me to go out to the shed and find all those gifts and stocking stuffers I bought earlier this year… 

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas.

The Cameron Herald

The Cameron Herald
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